In The News

BNN Bloomberg: HSBC Canada reports negative loan loss provisions in encouraging sign for Canadian banks

HSBC Bank Canada sent an encouraging signal for Q3 earnings of Canadian banks by releasing $2 mln of reserves for loan losses. Rob Wessel, Managing Partner of Hamilton ETFs, was quoted by BNN Bloomberg as saying “negative provisions are the likely outcome once the Canadian banks begin to reflect their changing/improving economic assumptions in their reserves.” Click here to read the full article.    

Globe & Mail on HCAL: If the worst is over for Canadian bank stocks, here’s a strategy

The Globe & Mail was quick to cover our latest ETF, the Hamilton Canadian Bank 1.25x Leverage ETF (HCAL), launching on October 15, 2020. The article below explains how a mean-reversion strategy with a modest 25% of leverage can produce bigger gains while boosting the dividend to more than 6%. If the worst is over for Canadian bank stocks, here’s a strategy The Globe and Mail (Ontario Edition)…

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